Well, I did it! I finally did it! I chopped my hair!
I wanted to chop it when I was preggers with Berks, but my hair stylist told me "no". She said that I would want it long with 2 kiddos so that I can throw it back in a pony. And she was right.... for a little while. I did love NOT doing my hair - throwing it up and being done with it. Problem was, I was a sloppy mess. The kids always looked so cute but their mama needed help - I always looked like I just rolled out of bed - which many days, I did! Ha! And when I did blow dry and straighten my hair, it looked so messy and unstyled.
I needed some style and I wanted to feel sassy. Soooo..... here goes.


So, what do you think? You like??
I know what you are all thinking, "what does Brad think!?" And truth be told..... he actually loves it! I called him on my way home to 'warn' him that it was a bit shorter than I wanted it. I wanted to brace him for it. I didn't want him to open the door and gasp, which would have led me to tears. Instead, he got a huge smile and said, "I love it! I have a new wife!" He is so cute and keeps saying how much he likes it.
And for me, I feel 10 lbs lighter, so we are good to go:) Kidding. I really like it and feel much more stylish now. Here's to short hair cuts!