I used to work at St. John Knits about 10 yrs ago. Fresh out of college with not a care in the world. No responsibility except making sure to get home safely after a night out. The great thing about St. John was that I made friends with a bunch of girls in sales with me. But after a few years, we all starting quitting
SJK one by one. I lost touch with almost all of them.
Well, thanks to
FB we are back in touch. And thanks to being a
SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) right now, I have the time to meet them all for
playdates. Today we met at a park in
Tustin. It was so good to see these girls. We found it funny that years ago we all used to "play" and now we are sitting in a park watching our little ones play.
Thanks for a fun day Girls! It was great getting to catch up. It felt like no time had gone by.