We had our 20 week Dr. appointment today. Doc says that
Cade weighs 1/2 a lb. and he is in the 50
th percentile. She said everything looks good and we are still on track for our July 6
th due date.
Cade is supposedly the size of a banana. Is it crazy that he still fits in my belly so comfortably. I hope he enjoys it now before he gets cramped in there!
I am still feeling great! No complaints on my end. Still eating for 5! :)
We then got to hear his heartbeat, which always makes our day. Brad gave
Cade a little pep talk on the way in and told him to get in position so we could hear him well... it worked! We heard a strong, loud heartbeat. We are still beaming from ear to ear after that sweet sound.
We love you Monkey! Daddy can't wait for his surfing and golf buddy.