Berks slept for almost 8 hours last night!! She slept from 6:45pm to 2:30am! The bummer though, is that she is sick. She has been very upset (ie screaming for long periods) and I knew she was sick with a runny nose, nasty cough, etc. but I didn't think there was much the Doc could do. However, I took her in to see the Dr. last night because her cry seemed something far more painful than a runny nose. Turns out, the poor angel has an ear infection - just like her Big Bro had a few weeks ago. I gave her some Tylenol after our appointment, and she fell asleep pretty quick after. And the next thing I knew, it was 2:30am! I'm sure the meds had something to do with it. But, boy was she a Rockstar! It was sooo nice to sleep uninterrupted for a while. It made it that much easier to get up at 4am for the gym this morning! Thanks Berkie! Mommy hopes you feel better soon, Love Bug! We want our Berkie feeling like her old self soon!
Berks & Cade had so much fun with Grammer today while Mommy worked till 11am.
poor poor Berks. It is the worst thing in the world to see the kids not feeling well, so helpless. I really hope she is feeling better very soon and hoping she continues to give you more sleep at night