Here is Cade as Brad was packing the car:)
The next morning, the 4 Jacobsens got up and went on an 8.5 mile run... yep, back down to Seaport Village and onto the boardwalk. It was so nice to have a change of scenery. Here we are, ready to go! (We even found a gym right down the street! This location is now perfect! We must go back!)

So pretty!
All bundled up!
Came back, showered, and got ready for the San Diego Zoo! The gang's all here!

The kiddos had a great time!

In fact, we all did!
My favorite! Too bad they aren't very nice animals... they sure are cute though!
Our darn stroller is so wide that it often causes issues... the boys had to lift it up so that we could get it up the escalator! Don't worry mom, the kids weren't in it:)
Came home from the zoo, napped the kids, grabbed lunch and brought it back to the room for some R & R. We then had a repeat of the night before. Back to Seaport Village. The big kids had a blast on the carousel.
Pizza time in the room - take 2! The kids were much happier rough housing in their jammies than sitting still in a stuffy restaurant:)
Looks like you guys had so much fun! You are so brave to go on overnights with the kids, we have yet to try it with just our family. I get so nervous about the sleeping situation but I think we need to try it