I have found myself getting out of bed in the very early hours - yes, even on the weekends when I don't 'have to'. Take this morning for example.
Cade woke up at 4am wanting to eat. I fed him and then took a minute to think. I could either:
A.) Go back to bed, or
B) Get up and have a few hours of quiet, "me" time.
This was a no-brainer. The "me" time sounded oh so nice. It's not too often that I can have this precious alone time - no interruptions whatsoever. This is how I spent my time:
-Went on a 10 mile run (sorry Mom - I know you say not to run in the dark, but it was so nice to have the road to me, myself, and my ipod. Don't worry I had my mace.)
-Did laundry (I know, not fun but still nice to do without a little one on my hip)
-Unloaded the dishwasher
- Showered (he's still not awake!?)
- Did my hair (really... asleep still?!)
- Did my make-up (seriously still snoozing!?)
- Got dressed (I'm in Heaven)
- Checked my email.... then I heard that sweet cry.
I had the best morning. By the time Cade woke up, I had accomplished so much and felt ready for the day. I was able to give Cade 100% of my attention. (Many times I am trying to do 10 things at once and I feel that I am taking away from him.) I am a bit tired, but it was SO worth it.
All that to say, I am learning to live on little sleep. I mean really, sleep is overrated, dontcha think? Who needs sleep when there is so much else to get done.
Silentish Saturday!
6 hours ago