Ok, let me start by showing you the major plumbing issue I spoke about in the last post. This pipe is split all the way down. We have many plumbing issues, but this was the first - the major one.

On to lighter, more fun things..... here is Daddy & Cade in front of church tonight. Cade is decked out in his Christmas outfit - and so is Daddy.

The Jacobsen trio...

This was taken in our seats as we were waiting for church to begin. I was proud of us for arriving early and getting good seats:) Do you see a resemblance in my two boys? Twins, huh? :)

I think I was just the incubator! Hee hee

I tried taking this myself... barely got The Cade Man in the shot!

After church we went to dinner at Harborside - where Brad & I got married. The picture didn't turn out too well, but the Christmas lights on the boats and houses reflected off of the water. It was gorgeous! We are hoping to make this a tradition. We will see.... it wasn't as 'kid-friendly' as we thought it would be.

Brad was ready to tear into his lobster tail:)

By the time we got home around 7pm, the Little Man was pooped. We had a long day! Running, shopping, church, then dinner.

Best/funniest part of the day - I asked Brad to get Cade ready for bed. This was the end result:

In case you are wondering.... check out where Santa is located!! Ha ha! I was laughing and Brad didn't understand what was so funny. He said, "why is it so funny? Just because I pulled his pants up so high?"
Me - laughing even harder, "no, because Santa is supposed to be on his booty!"
Brad had no clue he put Cade's pants on backwards! Gotta love Daddy's! God bless them!