Well, it happened. I turned the big 3-3 today. We have been celebrating all weekend. We started by going to Palm Springs Fri. - Sun. Upon arriving, the Cade Man decided to climb in my suitcase to get a better look inside:)

We went to dinner that night, however, it was a complete disaster. This little boy fussed, whined, and cried the whole time. Brad & I had to take turns eating. I ate alone while Brad took him on a walk, and then we traded. It was very stressful and no fun. I think our restaurant dining is on hold for quite a while - especially now that Berks will be here in 4 months, making it 2 monkey's to take with us. Once we got home, this little boy was pooped from his 'episodes'.

The next day was MUCH better. We headed out to the pool. Cade was entertained by all the "action"... just like his Mommy:)

Yep, I forgot my tube top, so everyone had to see my big preggo belly in my itty bitty bikini. There was no covering it up. Sorry guys. Now that I have a little boy to pack for, my bag gets thrown together in about 30 seconds and often things are forgotten.

Yay! It's bath time after all that pool time. This is such a treat since we don't have a tub at home. It is all showers for us at home. What fun we had in the tub. Good thing I remembered the bath toys!

Since the night prior was a dud, we wised up and decided to stay in and order a pizza for dinner. This was a MUCH better idea. We could eat in peace without worrying about the people next to us.

All that sun caused these 2 boys to hit the hay early.

We came home the next afternoon, on Sunday. Grammer came over to hang out with Cade so Brad & I could go on a date. You better believe we went out to dinner... a long one too! We went to see The Hangover II and then ate at Benihanna for 2 hrs! We enjoyed the peace and quiet. It was so weird to eat at a normal pace and not have to shovel the food into your mouth at an alarming rate. Thanks so much Marge!
Here is my date.... isn't he handsome? How did I snatch this guy up??

My husband and my lil' boyfriend:)

The GetAlong Gang:)

After our date, I came home and went straight to bed. I was exhausted (plus I had to rest up for my big day - my birthday - the next day:). But by 1am, the little monkey woke me up by screaming like someone was hurting him. I got him out of bed, then came out to the living room since Brad was still up. This is what I saw!!!

The plan was to celebrate once we woke up in the morning, but hey - it was 1am - it WAS my birthday, right? I think that was Cade's plan all along. He knew an hour had already gone by without the party starting so he wanted to get me up so we could dig into the birthday cake:) He thought this birthday blower was a crack up!

I am always ready for a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake. Wake me at any hour, and I'll be ready for a bite... or 5!

Isn't this sign so cute? It was my favorite part! In case you are wondering, here is the "6": Brad, me, Cade, Berkley, Chewy & Penny (the dogs). Thanks babe for making me feel so special. I honestly thought you hadn't even bought the card yet:) I love you so much! xoxo