These pix were taken before my camera died, but I guess I never downloaded them before my battery died. So here ya go... a few more.
This was taken on our balcony after a long day at the pool. I read 2 books in the 5 days we were there. So relaxing - but bittersweet since I wanted to be home with Cade.

Here is Berkley (in my belly) and one of my books out by the pool. This is where you would find me most of the time.

Having lunch....

Different angle including the beach in the background:)

This we got to come home to this Cookie Monster! I had just given him a bath, so guess what?? It was back into the bath we went! I was sooooo excited to run up the stairs and see my little monkey! Cade looked at me with a blank stare! My heart stopped and I started to cry. He did not remember me right away. It took about 15 seconds for it to register that Mommy was home! After that, we were glued to the hip for the rest of the night. Boy, was that not a fun moment though. Even though we were gone for only 5 nights, it felt like 10! I would NOT recommend leaving your baby like we did. It was WAY TOO HARD to be away.
And..... look how Berks has grown! We are now at week 25. See ya soon Berkster:)