Cade met Santa today! Santa just so happened to be right by our house.... imagine that.... of all the places he could go, Santa chose to visit Fashion Island. I wasn't sure how the picture would turn out, but our Love Bug did it again! He flashed those gorgeous gums of his:) Check out his very 1st picture with Santa. I just LOVE it!!

The picture above is the professional one. The ones below are from my camera.
Here we go... almost to Santa!

Santa was feeding his reindeer in this house, so we had to wait outside for an hour until he was done. Oh, the excitement!!

Our turn! Cade is trying to figure out who the Big Guy in red is and why Mommy & Daddy are not holding him.

Now he is getting used to the idea:)

Light bulb just went off! "Oh, THIS is what Mommy has been talking about all week! This must be the Big Guy that brings me all the presents! I am happy now!"

Cade picked out his outfit. He insisted he needed something new to wear for when he meets Santa. It says, "Santa's Little Man".

Thanks Santa! We will see you soon in 14 short days!
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