Upon arriving Thursday, we dumped our bags in our rooms (which were next door making it super easy and fun) and headed straight for the pool...
Here are the "besties" on night #1:

All this fun was tiring!
Day 2 - Berkie was up and anxious to go back to the pool:)

And so were Pete and Repeat:)

Once again, the Prima Donna had a little snooze by the pool....
And then again in her pack n' play. It was so nice having this out by the pool. I covered it with a towel once the sun was over us (we were in the shade still in this pic) so she stayed out of the sun.
These 2 were on such good behavior that they got a "teet" (treat)....
Mommy got one too... until Cade took it:)

Night #2 - These 2 were pretending they were babies and they wanted to play under Berkley's gym mat.
This is how Cade looks 90% of the time. He is obsessed with his binkey and his "nite nite" (blanket) and HAS TO HAVE THEM! He has always loved his binkey but this blanket obsession is quite new. It is definitely his sense of security. Some say not to give it to him unless he's in his crib, but I just can't do it. It breaks my heart to see him want it SO BAD..... what's the big deal? It's not like he's going to get married still holding it.
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