Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Girls' Day Out

I love Thursdays and Fridays. These are the days Cade goes to day care. Now don't take this the wrong way.... I LOVE being home with BOTH kiddos and Cade is my best little friend.... but on Thursdays and Fridays when it's just me and the Berkster, I really enjoy spending one-on-one time with my girl:) I often feel like she doesn't get enough attention (ie cuddle time) because I am usually running around tending to Cade (ie chasing him around). So on these 2 days, I get to give all my attention to this little princess:

Isn't she a cutie?
I just can't get enough of her.... can ya tell?
Yesterday us girls set out for a shopping trip. We met up with my friend Becky and her little boy Roenick for some shopping and lunch. It reminds me of when Cade was this age. Ahhhh, isn't it so easy when they are newborns?? (But then again, not nearly as much fun as Cade's age now!) I look forward to the days when I can call Berkley up and ask her if she is available for a girls day out - a little lunch, maybe a movie, and a pedicure.
I just love having a boy and a girl. It is so neat to see their differences. And to watch my bond with each one of them grow.
Here is our lunch date with Becky & Roenick:
Becky & Roenick...
Me & Berkley...
Berks & Roenick (or Roe Roe as I call him:)
And just because I couldn't figure out which picture I liked best, I will leave you with a few more shots of my bestest girlfriend:)

I really do cherish my time with Berks. Babies only stay little for such a short time and it seems even shorter when you don't have much time to sit on the couch to hold her and stare into her adorable newborn eyes. When I am home with both kids and Cade goes down for his nap, I try to put aside laundry, dishes, etc and just sit on the couch and hold my precious baby and breathe in her newborn smell. Before I know it I will no longer have a baby... my score card will look like this:
Babies - 0
Toddlers - 2
Until then, I will do my best to make time stand still and cuddle both of my babies as much as they will let me:)

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