Nat & her buddy Cade:)
Modeling his Thanksgiving duds:)
These are my male cousins ranging in age from 17-22ish. After eavesdropping on their dinner conversation, I came to the conclusion that boys have more fun growing up than girls do. They were reminiscing about their childhood stories from growing up together and let me tell you... the stories were hilarious! So adventurous and dangerous.... but funny! Girls are much more 'safe'. It made me think of all the crazy antics Cade has in his future:)
At one point the conversation turned to Cade since Blake was holding him. Then, I overhear Matt saying, "So, what's the return policy on these guys?" Ha ha! Sorry Matt.... there is a no return policy on kiddos! Too funny!
These guys have all turned out to be such gentleman and such nice, respectful men. I can only hope Cade will be like them. I can't wait for the day when Cade will say, "Here Mom, let me carry that for you." Or "Mom, let me get that door for you." Actually, I can wait because I know it will be here before I know it, but it is something to look forward to:)
Next, we went over to see Brad's side of the family. They were at his sister Robin's house in Dana Point. Cade was asleep for most of the visit, but whenhe finally woke up Grammer got her hands on him:)

Here is B's sister Robin (the host) on the phone along with Cade's cousins, Skylar & Will. They are both are sweet with Cade. They love him to pieces and he loves them back. These two will definitely be showing him the ropes when he gets a bit older:)
Next, we went over to see Brad's side of the family. They were at his sister Robin's house in Dana Point. Cade was asleep for most of the visit, but whenhe finally woke up Grammer got her hands on him:)
Here is B's sister Robin (the host) on the phone along with Cade's cousins, Skylar & Will. They are both are sweet with Cade. They love him to pieces and he loves them back. These two will definitely be showing him the ropes when he gets a bit older:)
L to R: Grammer, Brad, Will, Dana, Cade Man, Skylar, and last but not least GG Ma (Cade's Great Grandma) What a good lookin' bunch.
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